Friday 11 April 2014

12 Ways To Improve Your Life Right Now

1. Strive for Imbalance-Don’t you hate it every time someone tells you “You need to balance your life?” Does that mean for every extra hour at work you need to find another hour with your family? For everything you say yes to, you need to say no to something else? Trying to find this balance has really stressed me out in the past.
A couple of days ago, Andrea, my 2 year old daughter came to sit on my lap whilst I was on the computer. She wasn’t her chatty self and stared blankly at the wall. It took me a few minutes to realize this, then her eyes rolled back, her face turned blue and she stopped breathing. Needless, to say these were the longest 7 minutes of my life. By the time we had reached casualty, she had regained consciousness. We were told that she had suffered from an “absent seizure.” Afterwards, I realized that God had just sent me a celestial email to say, “Please stop your busyness and smell the roses.” It was my wake-up call and today I will rather err on the side of imbalance-less time for what’s in my work inbox and more time for my family “outbox”.
2. Stop Multi-Tasking. Research confirms that multitasking actually makes you less efficient, not more. According to author Edward Willett, “When you do two things at once, brain power doesn’t increase to meet demand; in fact, it decreases which means you perform each task more poorly than if you focused on one alone.” Multi-taskers, whose full attention is not devoted to the task at hand, often don’t take the time to fully
understand the breadth and depth of a project, thereby getting only mediocre results.
3. Be Wealthy in Spirit. “When you are wealthy, you live from the inside out instead of the outside in. Money is currency that is attracted to the energy produced by your spirit.” Simon T Bailey
4. The Giving Prescription. After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and falling into a deep depression, Cami Walker was given a prescription: Give away 29 gifts in 29 days. Today, 29 Gifts is a global giving movement in 42 countries. So, enhance your life, with your own 29 days of kindness. Remember, gifts do not need to be material. The most important thing is that the gift is offered. Find an opportunity with open heart and don’t expect anything in return. To get you started click here
Example of gift ideas:• Make a point of finding and calling a long-lost friend
• Hand out flowers on the street to make someone’s day
• Give an unexpected tip..the packer at the supermarket
Don’t plan your month of giving, rather go through each day looking for opportunities to present themselves and if you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up over it. Remember, it’s not about being a perfectionist! An open hand is always full-give away what you want to attract into your life.
“Is the rich world aware of how four billion of the six billion live? If we were aware, we would want to help out, we’d want to get involved. ”Bill Gates
5. Make a Meal in 10 Minutes or Less. For most of my adult life I have been spoilt by a great chef-Monsieur Woolies. So when I decided to venture into that unknown area of my house-the kitchen-I smoothed the way by finding 101 substantial main courses, all of which get you in and out of the kitchen in 10 minutes or less. To experiment with some of these click here
6. Organize E-mails in a Snap.Stop wasting energy and time by creating endless folders for different topics. Rather drag your messages into these trio of folders:
“Archive” It’s your e-mail reference library. It contains everything you might someday want or need. You don’t need to separate old e-mails into different folders-you can always search by sender, topic, or keyword.
“Hold” This folder would be for everything that requires someone else’s help. Don’t put stuff in your follow-up folder that you can’t actually follow up on yet.
“Follow-up” This folder contains all the e-mails that you must respond to but require more than two minutes to do so. (For any e-mails that take less than that to answer, you should respond as you read them.)
7. Design your Vision Board. I have personally designed 5 in my life and they really work! I believe in “Whatever you visualize, you materialize.” There is no better way to put that into action right now by creating your vision board. Most of us don’t have the time to get creative with cutting out pictures, sticking them on colourful cardboards, so here’s a far easier way-design your dream life online FOR FREE just click here
8. Avoid perfectionism. “Wonder Woman was a fictional character on TV. Were she real, she’d still be boring as molasses, as most perfect people are. Perfection means you never have to show character, you never have to fight for what’s right, you never have to struggle. That all comes so naturally, and it therefore involves no exertion. It’s much better to embrace your flawed humanity and therefore strive to be your best, and therefore become better every day.” American Orthodox rabbi, TV host and author-Rabbi Shmuley.
9. Reposition yourself. Separate YOU from your job or performance. You are not a failure just because you failed at something. You are not lesser than because you lost a deal or a job. Repositioning your life is simply a choice that you make. Sometimes failure is not so much about you as much as the methods that you were using. Change your methods and you will simplify your life.
10. Saying No Is Saying Yes to Yourself. Do you suffer from the disease to please? Here is a simple cure…start saying NO to others and YES to you. I recently found that every weekend was being filled with children’s parties, social gatherings, association meetings and very little ME time. I learned to become selfish and started to say no to anything that was taking me away from my family life. Yes, I pissed off a few people but I decided I was no longer in a popularity competition. Wendy Luhabe said “I can say NO as a full sentence.” The question is can you?
11. Ask: “What makes me valuable?” You may think that if you lost some weight, made more money, had the ideal job, lived in your dream home or found your soulmate then you’d be happier or feel more valuable. Sadly, this is not the case. Rather ask yourself “what makes me valuable?” What do you do that adds value, that you’re proud of in your life? Have the courage to answer honestly, without apologizing for it. In doing so you will soon discover your authentic self.
12. Energy Boosters. Try the following to increase  the daily energy  you have available and add to your energy reserves:
• Make a list of everything you plan to do today: In Column A, include the activities that drain you; in column B, those that replenish you. Now figure out how to remove one item from A and add one to B.
• Plug into a great memory of you bursting with excitement-your first crush, a big promotion. Relive it in your mind. Enthusiasm, radiance, joy—these energetic states come from happy emotions
• Don’t turn on the TV for 24 hours. Its an energy drainer-specially the news.
• On your way home, don’t read or listen to the news. Rather listen to invigorating music on the radio or Ipod.

For more information on our image and etiquette programmes visit our website or contact Haydee Antezana, Motivational Speaker  on

7 Steps To Move Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We all waste valuable time living in the land of the familiar while our big dreams fade into distant longings. Now is the moment to step out and take a risk which will get you closer to your dreams.
How do you know when you are in a Comfort Zone?
  • Even though you’re always busy, you don’t feel  fulfilled.Your Big Dream is always “on hold”.
  • The slightest hint of change makes you feel uncomfortable.
  • You’re prepared to sacrifice your own happiness for a sense of security.
“The trouble is, if you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.”
– Erica Jong
Take the following steps and watch results begin to pour into your life:
  1. Write down precise goals. eg. “I want a better job”, is too vague. Rather say”, “I want a job that gives me both financial freedom  and personal satisfaction while still allowing me enough time to spend with my family.”
  2. Write down all the negative thoughts you have that might stop you from achieving these dreams. e.g. “I’m too old to do this.” “I won’t make enough money to survive”
  3. When you have finished, read each thought out loud. Precede with this phrase, “I release the following self-sabotaging belief from my life.”
  4. Stepping stones. Decide what specific achievements would indicate that you are close to achieving your goals e.g. “Finding a financial partner for my new business venture”
  5. Give your goal a time frame, this will help prevent procrastination.
  6. Start a “Big Dreams” journal: Begin the chapter by writing a Mission Statement and a Plan of Action. Every day take a step towards realizing your end goal and write down the results in your  journal.
  7. Install a safety net: make yourself accountable to a few trustworthy people. Call /email them for encouragement when you feel like abandoning the quest for your Big Dream.
Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
– Saint Francis of Assisi
For more information on our image and etiquette programmes visit our website or contact Haydee Antezana, CEO of Professional Impressions and Motivational Speaker on

15 Things To Stop Doing To Yourself

Motivational Speaker Haydee Antezana says: We are all guilty of doing things to ourselves that prevent us from moving forward and living the life we want to live.
Here are 15 things you should stop doing from here on:
1.       Stop spending time with the wrong people
Surround yourself with people who bring out your best, not the stress in you. Life is too short to fill it with energy thieves.
2.       Stop putting your needs on hold
We are so busy trying to make everyone else happy that we forget about ourselves. You need to put petrol in your emotional and spiritual tank before you start giving of others.  Are you running on fumes right now?
3.       Stop trying to be someone you’re not
Stop comparing yourself to your friend, your colleague, the celebrity on TV. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same. You are UNIQUE – unlike anyone else.
 4.       Stop holding  onto the past
You cannot move forward if you keep looking in the rear view mirror. Remember, the past is gone it can hurt you no more – only your thoughts can hurt you.
 5.       Stop being scared to make a mistake
Our mistake make us stronger and better people, it also makes us more adaptable and more willing to deal with change, which is becoming so important in our fast-moving world.
6.       Stop thinking you’re not ready
We are never completely ready to try something new – there will always be feelings of anxiousness or fear. Overcoming our fear is what helps us succeed in the end.
7.       Stop trying to compete against everyone else
Don’t compare other people’s success with yours. Set your own goals and focus your efforts on achieving them. Success is an internal battle between you and yourself, no one else.
 8.       Stop being jealous of others
This is a waste of time and energy. Stop the reen monster in its tracks – be content for others good fortune – the universe will reward you for it.
9.       Stop complaining
Life is tough – put on your big girl panties and deal with it. Stop complaining for 24 hours – if you can manage try it for 1 week-if you can manage try it for a month.  You will not believe how your life will change!
10.   Stop wasting time explaining yourself to others
Be authentic in all you do – if you need to be constantly explaining yourself to others – they don’t get you. This can be very energy draining.
 11.   Stop trying to make things perfect
In the history of the world there has never been a PERFECT human being . So let go of the need to do everything perfect all of the time – you are going to be mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted in no time.
12.   Stop blaming others for your troubles
Take responsibilities for your actions and acknowledge your mistakes. Your success depends on it.
13.   Stop trying to be everything to everyone
It’s impossible to be all things to all people all the time. The only thing you will achieve is stress and burnout.  Do you suffer from the disease to please?
14.   Stop worrying so much
There’s a saying that goes: “Worrying is like paying interest on money you never borrowed.”
Ask yourself if what you’re worrying about will matter in a week, a month, or a years’ time. If the answer is no, then don’t waste your time and energy. Enjoy this moment – it will never occur again.
15.   Stop focusing on what you don’t want to happen
Focus your energy on what you want not what you don’t want.  Create affirmations and visualizations around all that you wish to bring into your life. If you don’t have a dream you will never have a dream come true.
 “You only get one life. Stop putting off greatness.” – Unknown
For more information on our Motivational Speaker and the Superwoman Syndrome presentation click here or Contact us: Tel: 011 469 1396 email:

9 Life-Changing Survival Strategies

Do you wish you had more hours in the day? Are you living life in survival mode endlessly trying to be the perfect wife, mother, friend and colleague? If you recognise any of the symptoms below you are suffering from the Super Woman Syndrome and it’s time to make some life adjustments. Super Woman Syndrome is a severe global condition suffered by many women in today’s demanding, fast paced world – its commonly known as the expectation that a woman can and should do everything. The phrase was coined by American author Shirley Conran in the late 70’s.
•     Do you have difficulty saying no?
•     Do you over-analyse and worry constantly?
•     Do you have high expectations about your ability to perform and succeed?
•     Do you like to gain approval by pleasing others?
•     Do you often complain of an over-extended schedule?
•     Do you have a hard time relaxing?
•     Do you try to be everything to everyone?
•     Do you have difficulty asking for help?

Here are 9 life-changing survival strategies you can implement right now to help you overcome Superwoman Syndrome and take back control of your life.
1. Combat the attacks on your mind. Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger and fear – are all attacks on your mind. Calm the clutter in your spirit, soul and mind. Read Joyce Meyer’s book “Battlefield of the Mind”. It has taught millions how to change their lives by merely changing their minds. Click here to order.
2. Stop Multi-Tasking. Most of us believe that by doing several things at once, we get more done. Research shows that in reality, our productivity decreases by 40%. We don’t actually multitask-we switch-task, rapidly shifting from one thing to another.
Take off your “show new mail alerts” on your email settings. Doing this has stopped me from moving between tasks and reading emails – which would lead me to other tasks – leaving others half done.
3. Draw up your “bucket list”.  A list of things you want to do before you die. Watch the movie “The Bucket List” for some inspiration. We all need something to look forward to – it feeds our soul and helps us get through some challenging times. I was fortunate enough to tick off 2 of my bucket list things to do this year…swimming with the dolphins & seeing Madonna live in concert. Click here for pics.
4. Get a Reality Check: Have realistic expectations of yourself. Stop adopting or adapting to someone’s expectation of you. You might know the class mom with the perfect body and the dream job. NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS TO BE. Your friends have asked you to join their running club (you hate running)…don’t do it – rather opt for a salsa dance class – you may love the music, lose calories and see more of your partner – all at once.
5. Learn to say No: Here are some responses you can use in situations where it’s common to overcommit.
Situation - A fellow colleague asks you to please help him with a last minute project.
Answer “I have already made commitments to other colleagues and clients to complete their projects.”
Situation - Your friend asks if it’s okay to bring another guest to your dinner party.
Answer “This dinner is really just for a small group of close friends. Sorry, but I really need to stick to the guest list.”
6. Laugh out Loud: The saying goes…‘laughter is the best medicine’and its so true according to research findings. Laughter reduces levels of stress hormones, boosts the immune system and lowers the blood pressure. The laugh doctor - Dr Clifford C. Kuhn believes you can enhance your productivity and health by implementing 52 “smile strategies” to create more fun into your everyday life. Click here for more info.
7. Get rid of Clutter:  Mental, emotional and physical clutter drains us of our time and energy. How much time have you spent looking for lost keys, the your phone or shoes? Try this: Toss Ten Things. Grab a bag, fill it with ten items in your home that you no longer use, need or want. If you feel someone else can use them donate them.
8. Find a Life Coach: This is a person whose job is to improve the quality of your life, by offering advice on professional and personal matters, such as career, health, personal relationships, etc. Life coaching will help you achieve the confidence to work through issues holding you back from enjoying a harmonious life. To book your appointment with a great life coach click here.
9. Get off the Guilt Trip: Finding ways to overcome your guilt can greatly improve the quality of your life.
•  You ate ice cream for dinner; missed your book club night, left work early to run some personal errands.  Stop feeling GUILTY. Look at patterns rather than an isolated incident.
•  Express your guilt to someone you trust. By getting it out in the open and gaining an objective opinion, you help to relieve yourself of anxiety.
•  Join a network of women that will be able to mentor and support you. Click here to join the Inspiring Women Network group.

Remember – you are not Superwoman but you are SUPER-FABULOUS, SUPER-GORGEOUS, SUPER-PHENOMENAL!
For more information on our Motivational Speaker and  the Superwoman Syndrome presentation click here or Contact us: Tel: 011 469 1396 email:

8 Etiquette Tips For Young Workers

Young workers are known for their energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to learn, but many times their lack of experience andprofessionalism comes back to bite them when they want a raise, promotion, or just to be taken seriously.
There’s a time and a place to get on Facebook and tweet about your day, but it’s not at your work desk. Sure, everyone needs a mental break here and there, but signing on to social networks may not be the best way to clear your mind and stay on track at work. Even if your company does not restrict use of these sites, you shouldn’t abuse this privilege by signing on every hour or Facebook-ing when you should be working.
If you’re trying to make a good impression on your boss and co-workers and develop meaningful, trusting relationships with them, then steer clear of office gossip. Getting caught up in petty gossip makes you look unprofessional and two-faced. Even if everyone is gossiping around you and it seems like you’re in good company, take the high road and walk away from gossipers or change the subject altogether.
Salary is a taboo topic that shouldn’t be discussed with anyone but your supervisor. Even if you work for the most laid-back company, it’s never really appropriate to talk about or compare salary wages with your co-workers. If you have questions or concerns about your salary, bring it to your boss and work it out in private.
Young workers have a tendency to let their professionalism slide when their boss isn’t around or when their guard is down during happy hours or company-sponsored parties, for example. It’s important to be professional at work, work functions, and, well, just about any time you’re representing your company. This even includes cyber professionalism. Never, ever Facebook or tweet negative things about work or anyone from work if you want to keep your job.

If you work at a place that does not require you to punch in your hours, provides free parking, or allows casual Fridays, then consider yourself lucky. Many companies do not give their employees such perks because they’ve been abused one too many times. Don’t ruin it for everyone by taking two-hour lunches or running personal errands every day during work.
Minding your manners at work goes beyond saying please and thank you, it also includes giving your undivided attention during meetings, answering e-mails promptly, showing appreciation to those who help you, and respecting others’ time. Also, don’t forget to clean up after yourself and ask before taking things from work, including pens and other supplies that belongs to your company.
Young workers have a lot to prove, but one of the quickest ways to earn respect and present yourself as a reliable, hardworking employee is to come early to work and stay late. Punctuality is very important, but coming early to work shows even more that you care and it may earn you credit when it comes to getting honorable assignments and perhaps being considered for a raise or promotion.
The days of rolling out of bed and throwing on a wrinkled T-shirt and jeans to face the day are long gone. You’re in the real world now, and that means you have to dress for success. Whether or not your workplace has enforced a dress code, you should always strive to smell clean and look tidy. Get familiar with the iron, find a good dry cleaner, and for goodness sake, take out that tongue ring!
For information about our business etiquette and graduate workshops, click here
To Contact us call 011 4691396 or email

Sourced from:

Putting Your Best Shoe Forward!

Forget diamonds, shoes are a girl’s best friend! Guys we know you like them too (there’s a section here for you).
When it comes to buying the perfect pair of shoes, it can become a daunting experience rather than a fabulous one. So here are some tips to improve your Corporate Image and help you select the correct shoe for work.
• Shop late in the day when your feet are their most swollen, this will ensure correct sizing
• If you have a wide foot try go for a half size – so if normally a 5 choose a 5 ½ – makes all the difference. If wearing ankle straps don’t have the skin bulging out between straps. Don’t have your toes creeping over the front end of sandals.
• Walk on an uncarpeted area to feel how cushioned and comfortable the shoe is as well as how much noise they make. Shoes that clatter are not appropriate for work
If your feet are on show ensure that you don’t’ have cracked heels, dirty nails, chipped nailpolish. Stay away from nail art and too fashion forward nailpolish like black, neon colours.
• Stacked/wedge heels are great, especially if you are on your feet a lot. Fantastic for thick ankles. They can look very casual for work if the wedge is in rope or canvas type material.
• Kitten heels are low and delicate. They are extremely versatile and may be worn with anything from cocktail wear to cropped pants. If you are not comfortable with high heels; the kitten heel is a compromise, not too high to fall off but high enough to elongate the calf.
• Ballerina pumps/Flat shoes are best worn on casual Fridays.
• Pumps, court shoes, peep toes look the most formal for work. Buy peep toes – you can wear them in summer and winter.
• An appropriate and comfortable heel height is 5-6 cm. The highest you should go in the workplace is 10 cm.
• Thick winter fabrics require a chunkier shoe than light weight summer fabrics. However remember the chunkier the shoe the more casual the look
• Contrary to popular belief, it’s the position of the heel – not the thickness – that’s essential. Look for styles where the heel is right under the heel bone, not all the way at the back of the foot, to keep you pain-free and balanced.
Yes you can save now only to buy later…again and again! Check out the stitch work, glue work, the material, will it last a long time? The best-quality heels have soles that are stitched on, not glued. Look for even stitching. Also look at how much care the shoes require, will you be able to commit to the care? Rather have 4 pairs of great quality shoes than 100 pairs of plastic ones.
• Avoid 2 tone shoes or very seasonal colours – they are very limiting and go in and out of fashion very quickly. Don’t waste your money!
• Rather opt for more neutral (black, charcoal, brown, stone)colours that will work with a range of outfits in your wardrobe.
• Buy at least 1 great accent colour shoe that can stand out as the focal piece in an outfit –think red shoe, black and white shift dress.
• With lighter coloured outfits avoid white (unless in a narrow strap of a sandal)– a fatal image mistake, even if fashionable. White shoes look cheap and nasty, make your feet look enormous
• The vamp of the shoe is the section that cuts across your foot at the front and the more it exposes your foot the longer and leaner your leg will appear.
• The more your foot is covered by the shoe/boot, the shorter your leg will look – short = fat.
• Skirts that are knee length or longer look best with a low vamp shoe. It elongates the legs and makes you look taller.
• Cropped trousers should only be worn with low vamp shoes to work. (see last shoe 2nd row)
• Stay away from thick soles and platforms if you have heavy lower leg rather go for a medium to thin sole that will create a more flattering and balanced effect.
• If you want to make your legs look slim buy a shoe with a longer length toe end. A square or round short toe end will make you leg appear shorter and chunkier. A longer rounder toe (it does not have to be pointy) will make the leg appear slimmer.
• Large feet need to avoid very pointy toes, rather choose a square or oval cut.
8. To look taller and slimmer
• Beware of ankle straps and gladiator shoes (specially if you have thick ankles or heavy calves) these will shorten and widen your leg drastically. If you want to do ankle straps go as narrow and as close to your skin colour as possible
• If wearing a skirt or a dress a shoe matching your skin tone will make you look taller.
• Tone shoes and stockings to your hemline to create a vertical line of colour which makes you appear taller
Men – put your best foot forward
• For men the only colours necessary in a business wardrobe are black, a very dark brown or ox blood. No grey shoes please!
• A formal work shoe is a lace up or a lace up brogue (has punched hole detailing)
• Slip on shoes need to be in a good quality leather with a discreet clasp or buckle.
• The metal of the buckle of your shoe should match e.g. silver or brass
• In a smart shoe the sole tends to be thinner. The thicker and more synthetic the sole appears the more casual the shoe becomes
• Shoes and belts should be in the same colour
• Socks need to be long enough, to avoid expanses of hairy flesh showing when you cross your legs
• Socks may be the same colour as your shoe, but are always darker than the trousers
• Using a shoe horn makes getting into shoes without wrinkling socks easier. It also prevents damaging the top edge of the heel
Unsure if you or your staff are putting the right foot forward?
Contact Professional Impressions for more information on their Corporate Image Presentations

8 Phrases To Erase From Your Vocabulary

Here is a list of redundant phrases I obtained from Mickie Kennedy (CEO of Erelease) you should eliminate from your writing and speaking and improve your business etiquette.
1. Positive improvement. As opposed to negative improvement?
2. End result. The result of something takes place at the end. Cut the word “end.”
3. Collaborate together. When you collaborate, you’re working with others. The word “together” is redundant.
4. Past history.  All history is in the past.
5. Serious crisis. I don’t have to tell you that it’s serious. All crises are serious.
6. Totally unique. There aren’t degrees of unique. Something is either unique or it isn’t.
7. Unexpected surprise. If you’re expecting something to happen, it’s not a surprise.
8. Unintended mistake. If you intended for something to happen, it wasn’t a mistake; it was a poor decision.
What are some unnecessary phrases that drive you crazy?
Stop using non-committal language.
If someone asks you if you can please do something-don’t answer:
“I should be able to”
“I’ll try”
“I’ll see if I can work on it.”
Commit yourself and answer: “Yes I will do it by end of today” Give a timeline when you believe the task will be accomplished by – if this can’t be met keep the person updated.

For more information on our communication skills & business etiquette programmes click here or contact us on or call 011 469 1396